Social Media Investigation

Social Media Investigation: Employment, Dating, Locating Missing Persons & More... 

It's important to look at all aspects of an individual when conducting a social media investigation. We can do this for employers, private citizens trying to locate someone or for anyone who wants to see their own online footprint. Our social media investigations are conducted by a professional investigator, not just a database.

We try and have a very comprehensive investigation research report within 3 days. Clients will have a background report within a day of placing an order, but it does take a few days for proper research to be completed. 

To Read More: Social Media Background Investigations.

Questions? Please call, email, or "live chat" us!

Click Here to Start Your Order

*Social Media investigations need a minimum of 3 hours. This is to ensure a minimum standard of quality. If more hours are desired for a more thorough investigation, both the customer and investigator will communicate that need. Customers are never charged without their approval. 



 Missing Persons


 Online Dating

 Research Investigations