Missing Persons
Missing Persons Investigations: We can help find answers when a person has gone missing or has purposefully absconded.
A missing person is a person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as his or her location and fate are not known. Laws related to missing persons are often complex since, in many jurisdictions, relatives and third parties may not deal with a person's assets until their death is considered proven by law. A person may go missing due to accident, crime, death, in a location where they cannot be found (such as at sea), or many other reasons, including voluntary disappearance. There are times when a person has absconded on purpose, and finding them can still be time consuming. People not wanting to be found can be difficult.
Surveillance and witness testimony are the best way to prove these factors, and that is where our dedicated investigators can help assist in providing our customers with the best opportunity to prove their case.
To Read More: Private Investigators and Missing Persons Cases
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*Missing persons investigations need a minimum of 3 hours. This is to ensure a minimum standard of quality. If more hours are desired for a more thorough investigation, both the customer and investigator will communicate that need. Customers are never charged without their approval.