Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination Investigations: Finding out the real reason for being let go.

Wrongful termination or wrongful discharge, is a situation in which an employee's contract of employment has been terminated by the employer if the termination breaches one or more terms of the contract of employment, or a statute provision in employment law. It follows that the scope for wrongful dismissal varies according to the terms of the employment contract, and varies by jurisdiction. The absence of a formal contract of employment does not preclude wrongful dismissal in jurisdictions in which a de facto contract is taken to exist by virtue of the employment relationship.  

Being terminated for any of the items listed below may constitute wrongful termination:

  • Discrimination: The employer cannot terminate employment because the employee is a certain race, nationality, religion, sex, age, or (in some jurisdictions) sexual orientation.
  • Retaliation: An employer cannot fire an employee because the employee filed a claim of discrimination or is participating in an investigation for discrimination. In the US, this "retaliation" is forbidden under civil rights law.
  • Employee's refusal to commit an illegal act: An employer is not permitted to fire an employee because the employee refuses to commit an act that is illegal.
  • Employer is not following own termination procedures: Often, the employee handbook or company policy outlines a procedure that must be followed before an employee is terminated. If the employer fires an employee without following this procedure, the employee may have a claim for wrongful termination.

Surveillance and witness testimony are the best way to prove these factors, and that is where our dedicated investigators can help assist in providing our customers with the best opportunity to prove their case.

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*Wrongful Termination investigations need a minimum of 3 hours. This is to ensure a minimum standard of quality. If more hours are desired for a more thorough investigation, both the customer and investigator will communicate that need. Customers are never charged without their approval.


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